
Is it bad to wait till kids are 6 before Kindergarten?

My child went to Kindergarten this year. We decided to hold her back and send her to Kindergarten again. She was 5 right before Kindergarten, in August, so now she will be 6 before she starts. What do you think about this? Will she be too old for the other kids? Also, should we do summer school for her? She is eligible and her teacher gave us the forms but we are not sure if we should send her. What are your thoughts?

Your daughter will not be too old for kindergarten. Rest assured, many parents are now waiting to send their children to school when their birthdays fall right around the start of the school year. Certainly, there will be some children that are younger, and some that are her same age or very close to it. Do not worry about your child being one of the older kids. This will add to her maturity and self confidence.

I would not recommend summer school for your child. If you have decided to retain her, then let her have the year to grow and mature on her own time. Summer school would only be an option if you were going to put her in with the idea that you might send her on to first grade if she did well in summer school. Our districts in this area offer that as an option, but I would still shy away from summer school for most all Kindergarten children. Summer school programs are most often remediation and kids at this young age who are struggling generally need time to mature. A summer full of more work they are not ready to process will not do much for the self esteem of these little ones.

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