
We want to move to the best school district, can you help me compare schools for new homes?

I am trying to find out information that is useful on schools in different areas. I remembered reading someone asking you about schools when they were moving. We are moving and I need that information now. How can I find information about schools when I am looking at houses from Irvine to Dana Point? The real estate agents all tell you “great schools” so how can I compare them to pick the best we can afford?
There are several things you can do: First, you should bookmark each district’s web page in the areas you are searching. For the areas you described, you are looking at Irvine Unified (IUSD), Saddleback Valley Unified(SVUSD), and Capistrano Unified(CAPO) school districts. These districts have school locators on their web pages. For IUSD, go to http://iusd.k12.ca.us/asp-bin/whichschool/. For SVUSD, go to http://www.svusd.org/Locator/. For CAPO, go to http://webapps.capousd.org/sls/schoollookup.asp. You simply type in any address into these locator sites, and you will find the schools your child will attend for each address. Once you have that information, you might want to try a new web site launched by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger called the California School Finder (http://www.schoolfinder.ca.gov/). This is a great site for parents to easily find and compare schools. For some more in-depth reports, I like to find School Accountability Report Cards (SARCS). The California Department of Education has a reference page for all Orange County public schools. (http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/ac/sa/ap/sarclink2.asp?County_Number=30)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

There is another great comparison website. I use it myself to compare schools and get information. Try this one too http://www.greatschools.net

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